The Fine Art of Decluttering


Getting rid of stuff isn’t easy. After moving from Charleston, SC, to the mountains, we have a storage space that, to be honest, I don’t see us getting rid of anytime soon.

However, when it comes to your home, it’s even tougher. What stays. What goes. And the bigger question: what do you actually need?

Below is an article from Houzz on the art of decluttering and what to do when you don’t think you can declutter any longer.

Let’s face it: For many of us, decluttering is really hard. First, you have to find the time. Then you must make difficult decisions about what to keep and what to let go. Next, you must figure out what to do with everything, whether that involves storing, selling or donating. And finally, you must follow through on your plan.

These tasks can be overwhelming, so it’s no wonder that many of us at some point hit a decluttering roadblock. And that’s OK. If you are letting go of something, you have to be emotionally ready to make that decision. If you’re not, you may find that certain items keep going into the “maybe” pile. Here are some questions to ask yourself when you can’t decide about a specific belonging. In my experience as a professional organizer, these questions often help my clients break through their decluttering block.